- When Colleges Look Up Applicants on Facebook: The New Admissions Test
- Ten Stupid Ways to Ruin Your College Application
- Five Four Easy Steps to Clean Up Your Facebook Page Before the Big Interview
- Personal Branding: Who does Google Say You Are?
- 60-second Guide to How Everyone Uses Facebook
- What's New In College Admission?
- High School Students Increasingly Use Social Media For College Search
- Read each of the links above.
- Find and share one additional article on the topic of the potential dangers of social media in the comments section below.
- Partner up with someone in the class. (There may be one group of three.) Be sure you are sitting next to your partner. Now "unfriend" (or the equivalent) your partner on any social networking sites (Facebook, MySpace, etc). Now search for your friend on each social networking site and allow your friend to see what is visible, including posted comments and photographs. Clean up your presence as a result of this feedback.
- Now Google yourself. What image does this information present of you?